Watch Observance Online Free 2016
NUCLEAR WATCH SOUTHREPEAL THE GEORGIA POWER NUCLEAR TAXKnow When to Hold em, Know When to Fold emYou. Tube Video highlights local action to Stop Vogtle2. GEORGIA GRASSROOTS VIDEO JUDY CONDERATLANTA July 1. Last week the Georgia Public Service Commission PSC held one of its four hearings per year on Vogtle 3 4. It is only the second public hearing since the Vogtle construction consortium got sidelined in bankruptcy court in December 2. The next public hearing will be sometime this winter. Georgia Power continues to pour 5. The public came out in force to speak out on the future of Vogtle which is up for grabs since the power is not needed in a sluggish market and other forms of energy, namely solar and wind, have become cheaper, and as ever, more abundant than nuclear power. The PSC failed to live up to the public in its moniker, as two of the commissioners Mc. Donald and Wise didnt even bother to show up, and the acting chair Commissioner Tim Echols bulldozed a major public right to present expert testimony by issuing a last minute order upholding Georgia Powers bully move to block Nuclear Watch South. Atlanta Grandmothers for Peace and ARRP Aging Raging Rate Payers joined more than a dozen public witnesses who gave strong testimony to decertify, PSC speak for cancel, the Vogtle construction project and stop collecting the corporate welfare tax that is being taken not only from ordinary citizens, but from Georgias schools, churches, towns and hospitals. Many thanks to Georgia Grassroots Video for this informative documentary of a woke public working the rusty machinery of so called democracy. Nuclear Watch South files to force the PSC to deal with request for emergency hearing. Watch Julie &Amp; Julia Online Forbes. ATLANTA 62. 21. Georgia environmental group Nuclear Watch South filed a Mandamus Motion to Compel Response to Request for Emergency Public Hearing on Vogtle 3 4 with the Georgia Public Service Commission PSC yesterday evening, June 2. The State Attorney General Chris Carr was also served the motion. In its motion Nuclear Watch South asserts that the PSC is out of compliance with regulations requiring the Commission to make a timely and definite response to a legitimate public request. Watch Observance Online Free 2016 GregorianThe regulation is very specific, and the PSC should have placed Nuclear Watch Souths original Request for Emergency Public Hearing on the agenda of its regularly scheduled May 9, 2. Nuclear Watch South files direct testimony in 1. Vogtle Semiannual Review. ATLANTA 681. 7 Nuclear Watch South filed the expert witness testimony of Glenn Carroll this afternoon with the Georgia Public Service Commission in the 1. Semi Annual Vogtle Construction Monitoring Review. All we know about St. Canice is from unreliable legend, according to which he was born at Glengiven, Ireland. He became a monk under St. Cadoc at Llancarfan, Wales. The triumph of science is finally realizing Earth can only support 1 billion people Pope Francis Laudato Si Maintain Earth population under. NATIONAL OBSERVANCE. Download the audio file 100mb MP3 file Download the trifold program 2mb PDF file View the 2017 Event on YouTube. News Releases. Ms. Carrolls testimony drives home the point that Vogtle 3 4 power are not needed and Georgia law authorizes the Public Service Commission to decertify unneeded power supply. Updated charts of Georgia Power performance data 2. Watch Mute Witness Mediafire. Here are the absolute best places to watch free movies online. All of these free streaming movie sites are 100 legal Last updated October 2017. Package Includes 2 Books 14 DVD Programs Price Includes Shipping BUY FOR 5. The Antichrist Identified WATCH FOR FREE Magicians Prove A Spiritual. Southern Environmental Law Center which also concludes that Vogtle 3 4 are not needed. Coalition of Citizen Groups Rally to Give PSC Message Not One More Cent for VogtlePHOTOS 2. Betsy Rivard. ATLANTA 51. Nuclear Watch South hosted a press conference with Georgia WAND Womens Action for New Directions, Atlanta Grandmothers for Peace, ARRP Aging Raging Rate Payers and Concerned Ratepayers of Georgia prior to the Georgia Public Service Commissions PSC first public hearing since high profile bankruptcies beset the Vogtle construction consortium. The hearing was part of the 1. Semi Annual Vogtle Construction Monitoring Review process. The next scheduled public hearing on Vogtle will be on June 2. PSC construction monitors will testify for the PSC staff and Nuclear Watch South will also present expert testimony calling for the shutdown of Vogtle 3 4. NOT ONE MORE CENT FOR VOGTLENuclear Watch South files request for emergency public hearing with Public Service Commission on Tax Day2. GEORGIA GRASSROOTS VIDEO JUDY CONDERATLANTA 41. Yesterday Nuclear Watch South filed a Request for Emergency Public Hearing on Vogtle 3 4, demanding that the PSC set a schedule and require Georgia Power to submit information that has previously been withheld from the public such as the construction schedule, the cost to cancel and the cost to complete the beleaguered reactor project. E mail or call the Georgia Public Service Commissioners and ask them to hold an emergency public hearing before Georgia Power blows any more of OUR MONEY on its risky high stakes nuclear bet TAX DAY PROTESTTell the PSC NOT ONE MORE CENT FOR VOGTLEJoin the press conferenceAM, Tuesday, April 1. Washington Street SW, Atlanta. Westinghouse Implodes, Vogtle Cancellation LikelyTimeline of a Boondoggle Vogtle 3 4. ATLANTA In the wake of Vogtle lead contractor Westinghouses bankruptcy announcement yesterday, coupled with Toshibas revelation that it is 9. U. S. two in Georgia, two in South Carolina, Atlanta based environmental group Nuclear Watch South is issuing a detailed timeline of Vogtle 3 4 milestones and missteps. Nuclear Watch South Coordinator Glenn Carroll articulated the groups position in a brief statement Georgias legislators and Public Service Commissioners enabled Georgia Power to obtain 2 billion in up front charges from its customers which has increased Georgia Powers profit margin by over 2. Vogtle construction years. Georgia premiere screening of CONTAINMENTNuclear Watch South observes 6th anniversary of Fukushima catastrophe 31. ATLANTA 31. 11. How can we contain some of the deadliest, most long lasting substances ever producedToxic remnants from the Cold War remain in millions of gallons of highly radioactive sludge, thousands of acres of radioactive land, tens of thousands of unused hot buildings, and some slowly spreading deltas of contaminated groundwater. Governments around the world, desperate to protect future generations, have begun imagining society 1. CONTAINMENT moves from a nuclear weapon facility in South Carolina where toxic swamps have led to radioactive animals, to a deep underground burial site in New Mexico, to Fukushima, Japan, where a triple meltdown occurred after the cooling systems at the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant were interrupted, leaving that city a ghost town. The film is part graphic novel and part observational essay mixed with sci fi that is more science than fiction, weaving between an uneasy present and an imaginative, troubled distant future, exploring the struggle to keep waste confined over millennia. FREE SCREENINGSaturday, March 1. PMGeorgia Power is making excessive profit from the Vogtle 3 4 construction boondoggle. Georgia residential and small business electric customers paying nuclear tax for unneeded reactors at Plant Vogtle. ATLANTA Georgia Power is constructing two reactors at Plant Vogtle near Augusta, GA. The reactors are being funded by an unprecedented nuclear tax on the power bills of Georgia residential and small business customers. Large industrial and retail users are exempt. Georgia Power predicted huge increases in power demand as Georgias population keeps growing. But Georgia Powers electricity sales have been flat, even as Georgia has added 1,2. A large percentage of Georgia Powers existing portfolio is going unused despite major cuts in coal powered electricity. Vogtle 3 and 4 would cost 2. Showtime Full Heatstroke Online Free more. Georgia Power, yet add only 6 power supply to the grid, a risky source of power that is not needed. Vogtle construction is going badly. The reactors were supposed to be online NOW but are still only 3. The nuclear project is already 3 billion over budget. Now Georgia Power has its hand out to be reimbursed for the cost overruns on the unfinished nuclear boondoggleThe Georgia Public Service Commission has the power to stop Plant Vogtle construction but has neglected to do so. Heres the real kickerJacksonville Jewish News March 2. Jewish Jacksonville News. Jacksonville Jewish News March 2. Published on Feb 2. Volume 2. 8 Issue 9 3.